Making a Difference
GolfBC's commitment to protecting our environment and preserving the natural heritage of the game of golf.
GolfBC's courses have worked with programs such as the Audobon Society and other initiatives led by industry organizations. As a group, our Grounds Maintenance and Golf Operations teams are also proud to promote programs and efforts to protect our environment and to minimze the potentially harmful impacts of golf course operations. Some of our efforts include:
- protecting and enhancing natural areas and wildlife habitats
- recycling of grass clippings
- consistent monitoring of diseases
- treating diseases curatively
- conserve water by sourcing existing moving water rather than extracting from the ground
- using water to supplement a fish bearing stream
Preservation of the wildlife habitats that surround the courses have always been an integral aspect of our environmental efforts. Various species of birds and small animals live peacefully in the wild natural habitat surrounding each golf course, while for instance in Whistler, bear proof garbage containers keep the larger animals at bay.
Going Green - Olympic View and Table Nineteen Victoria are a "BC Green Business"!